How It Started...

Stephenie never truly considered writing for a career. She figured she would never get anywhere with it. Instead, she decided on being a stay-at-home mom.Although Stephenie's primary interest had been on classic literature and never that of fantasy or fiction, ironically that is what she ended up writing.One night she had an extremely vivid dream and when she woke up, she began writing down chapter 13 of her first novel, Twilight. The dream involved an average teenage girl and a beautiful boy who somewhat sparkled. Their chemistry was what she remember most - they were passionately in love, but the boy was fighting off some sort of urge to kill her for her blood. She wasn't writing with intentions of going anywhere with the idea. The dream had fascinated her so much, she didn't want to forget it. Every day she added more in an obsessive manner and even kept a notebook on her nightstand so she wouldn't forget any ideas or dreams.Stephenie's story was so compelling to her, she decided she absolutely had to share it with others and got published. Little did she know the books would take off and cause a teen vampire sensation that would eventually lead to a sequel and movies.

Growing up...

Stephenie Meyer was born December 24, 1973 to a mormon family in Hartford, Conneticut. She was the second of six children, giving her a great load of responsibility to take on. Growing up in Phoenix, Arizona, she began to show her passion for reading, the majority beging for that of classic authors such as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Orson Scott Card, William Shakespeare, Maeve Binchy, Daphne DuMaurier, L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Eva Ibbotson, William Goldman, Douglas Adams, Janet Evanovich and Margaret Mitchell. Stephenie earned the National Merit Scholarship in 1992 due to her outstanding grades. She went on to become an English graduate of Brigham Young University in 1995. In 1994, Stephenie went on to marry her husband, Christian. It was then when she decided to be a stay-at-home mother with her three children Gabe, Seth, and Eli.

Works, Reviews, Awards, Praise

Stephenie was featured in Time Magazine's "Most Influential People of 2008.
She was the biggest selling author of both 2008 and 2009.
Twilight had:
  • 143 weeks on the New York Times best seller list
  • 100 million copies sold worldwide, 29 million in 2008 alone with 37 different language translations
  • Over $380 million at the box office.
Other Works:
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
The Host
Midnight sun 
New Moon (Twilight saga)
Eclipse (Twilight saga)
Breaking Dawn (Twilight saga)